My 2011 weekly photo project.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Week 4

 A Study in Editing: Coke Bottle.

Week 3

Yes, I'm late posting this. But I really did take these pictures during the appropriate week. Promise.

I went to Kuboda Gardens. I had never been before, but heard all about it. I loved it there. I didn't get to spend as much time as I wanted to, due to the sun setting. Also, the lighting wasn't the best, and I needed a tripod for a lot of the shots I wanted to get. So, I will be going back.

Friday, January 14, 2011

week 2

I went to the conservatory at Volunteer Park today and took way too many pictures. But all the plants were so cool and photographed so well. The good thing is this is a blog dedicated solely to photography, so I can post a million pictures guilt-free. And because of the sheer number of pictures, I will not be posting the picture info. But all were shot at ISO 400 with a 50mm lens. F/stop was usually somewhere between f/2-f/4, with some exceptions.

"Macro" (see below)

These look like two very in love octopuses.

Sometime I just love an over-exposed picture.

 The last few are "macro". I don't have a macro lens, but I have a macro filter. I've owned it for years, but this was the first time I'd really used it, and was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked.