My 2011 weekly photo project.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week 16

Last week, my husband and I went to the Skagit Tulip Festival. I had only been once before, and had been looking forward to returning again. We went on a weekday, and it was lovely. Hardly any traffic. In fact, no traffic. Sure, there were other people present, but it really didn't cause any traffic problems.

The tulips opened up the day we were there, so it was absolute perfect timing.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

week 14

Are you impressed I'm still here? Because I am. I mean, I really love photography, but sometimes I lose steam on projects I set up for myself. So, I'm going to go ahead and give myself a pat on the back.

Lately, the cherry blossoms have been in bloom. I'm loving it. But it's also been raining here. A lot. And I wanted to have blue sky for my backdrop, not gray, dreary skies. Friday my wish was granted. So I found some particularly blossomy trees and snapped away. I love, love, love the result. I might have to enlarge some of these to hang up.

Please ignore: stop sign, pedestrian crossing sign, hydrant, light pole, cars,...ugh.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week 13

I got some "new" dishes this week. And by new, I mean, 60 years old. They are vintage, mid-century dishes that I fell in love with several months ago, and my mom was delightful enough to give me a little money to go purchase some to start my collection. Here it is in all its glory.

Doesn't it look like a yummy tiered cake?

I also have a pink platter and white serving bowl, but I didn't take pictures of them. I am so in love with these and need to have company over for dinner so I can show them off.